Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Warnham Local Nature Reserve

Cormorants - Warnham LNR
 A miserable start to the day was brightened up by a number of nice birds seen around the Reserve. The Cormorant numbers are slowly starting to build with up to seven being seen regularly now, the single drake Pochard from yesterday managed to attract two more males and a female for company today and the three Shoveler were seen once again. Redwing numbers were still strong with 77 seen heading over west and plenty feeding on the Reserve particularly around the Sandpiper Scrape. Chaffinch and Goldfinch were the only other birds moving in any numbers with 23 and 19 noted respectively, again moving west.
Mediterranean Gull - Adult
There were good numbers of gulls around this morning with Black-headed and Herring Gull in the main but also two Common Gull which were the first of the autumn, a single Great Black-backed Gull and two Mediterranean Gull (1 Adult/1 1st Winter). Also of note was our first colour-ringed gull in a long while. The bird below was ringed by the North Thames Gull Group at either Rainham or Pitsea landfill sites. I will post the details of the birds history when I hear back from the group, if any visitors to the Reserve see any colour-ringed birds then please do send the details in or leave any details with the cafe.
Herring Gull - K5GT 
There was no sign of yesterdays Cetti's Warbler sadly but unsurprisingly but it may well still be on site as they are always difficult to see especially if they are not calling. A decent sized flock of Siskin were seen in the Larch plantation at the north end of the Reserve today by one of our volunteers. Hopefully they will find the feeders soon so visitors get to see these wonderful finches up close like in previous cold winters. Water Rail were squealing from the reedbed next to the fallen tree and up to three Kingfisher were buzzing around all day.

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